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Cackalacky® Beer B-Q® Seasoned Peanuts 12 oz Flavored with Beer Secret Barbecue Spices Makes Grea

通常価格 56,030ウォン
販売価格 44,820ウォン
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Cackalacky® Beer B-Q® Seasoned Peanuts, 12 oz, Flavored with Beer & Secret Barbecue Spices Makes Great Snacks for Backyard Barbecues, and more - Made with Peanuts and Spices
Cackalacky Famously Original Beer-B-Q Seasoned Peanuts - 12 oz - Roasted, Seasoned, Extra-Large Carolina BBQ Peanuts, Ideal Vegetarian Party Snack, Perfect for Barbecues & Gatherings

Cackalacky Famously Original Beer-B-Q Seasoned Peanuts - 12 oz - Roasted, Seasoned, Extra-Large Carolina BBQ Peanuts, Ideal Vegetarian Party Snack, Perfect for Barbecues & Gatherings

["거대한 시즈닝 땅콩 - 당사의 초대형 가마에서 구운 노스캐롤라이나에서 재배한 땅콩은 맥주 맛으로 가볍게 단맛을 내고 Cackalacky 바베큐 향신료의 비밀 블렌드로 마무리됩니다.","맛있고 맛있는 바베큐 맛 - 좋아하는 BBQ 맛 간식에 훌륭한 추가 아이템입니다. 맛있고 풍부한 맛을 자랑하며 한 입 먹을 때마다 최고의 맛을 선사합니다.","좋아하는 모든 음료를 보완합니다 - Cackalacky Beer B-Q 시즈닝 땅콩은 항상 좋아하는 음료를 보완하는 훌륭한 맛의 간식입니다. 간식 요구 사항을 충족시키기에 충분합니다!","신선한 천연 땅콩 및 향신료 - 저희는 모든 한 입이 마지막 것보다 더 맛있기를 바랍니다. 그래서 Cackalacky Beer B-Q 시즈닝 땅콩은 가장 신선하고 고품질의 재료로 만들어집니다. 정말 좋습니다. 사실 채식주의자에게도 친화적입니다!","노스캐롤라이나에서 자랑스럽게 제작 - Cackalacky 브랜드는 노스캐롤라이나에 본사를 둔 가족 소유 및 운영 회사입니다. 수십 년 이상의 경험을 통해 제품의 품질과 신선함을 맛보십시오."]

["Extra-Large Carolina BBQ Peanuts: Savor the size and quality with each bite of our roasted, extra-large peanuts, seasoned with a unique blend of Carolina BBQ spices for a rich, savory taste.","Ideal Vegetarian Snack: Our peanuts are crafted using only vegetarian-friendly ingredients, making them the perfect guilt-free treat for parties, gatherings, or personal indulgence.","Perfect for Any Occasion: Whether it’s a lively backyard barbecue, a family gathering, or simply a relaxing evening at home, these peanuts are designed to enhance any event with their bold, smoky flavor.","High-Quality Ingredients: We commit to quality, starting with premium, North Carolina-grown peanuts, seasoned with carefully selected spices to ensure a consistent, delicious flavor batch after batch.","Proudly Made in North Carolina: From roasting to packaging, every step is carried out with care in North Carolina, bringing you the authentic taste of Southern craftsmanship and tradition."]

비밀 바베큐 향신료로 맛을 낸 맥주. 재미있는 이름. 진지한 견과류. 농업은 NC가 되어야 합니다. cackalacky.com Facebook. 트위터. 인스타그램.

Experience Authentic Southern Flavor with Cackalacky Beer-B-Q Seasoned Peanuts Embark on a flavorful journey with Cackalacky Beer-B-Q Seasoned Peanuts. These aren"t just any snack; they"re a testament to traditional Southern barbecue artistry, brought to life in each 12 oz. package of our carefully crafted peanuts. Roasted to perfection, our extra-large peanuts are seasoned with a handpicked blend of Carolina BBQ spices, offering a robust flavor that"s hard to resist.

Why Cackalacky Beer-B-Q Seasoned Peanuts?

Bursting with Flavor: Each peanut is infused with our special Carolina BBQ seasoning, creating a perfect balance of smoky sweetness that complements any beverage or occasion.

Versatile Snacking: Ideal for sharing at social events or enjoying solo, these peanuts serve as a tasty snack that"s both filling and satisfying.

Consciously Created: Dedicated to sustainability and quality, our peanuts are produced using environmentally friendly practices and vegetarian-friendly ingredients.

Local Legacy: Cackalacky is a brand steeped in the tradition of the Carolinas, with over two decades of expertise in creating unique, memorable flavors.

From your first handful, these seasoned peanuts will leave you craving more, making them not just a snack, but an experience. Perfect for those who appreciate the finer details of gourmet snacking and the rich, tangy zest of authentic Carolina barbecue. Embrace the Cackalacky lifestyle and bring the essence of Carolina BBQ to your pantry!
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상품정보 제공고시
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소비자상담 관련 전화번호 해당사항 없음
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포장단위별 내용물의 용량(중량), 수량 크기: 4 x 4 x 4 inches
무게: 12 ounces
패키지 크기: 10.2 x 11.1 x 9 cm
패키지 무게: 0.4 kg
소비자안전을 위한 주의사항 상품 상세설명 참조
제품명 Cackalacky® Beer B-Q® Seasoned Peanuts, 12 oz, Flavored with Beer & Secret Barbecue Spices Makes Great Snacks for Backyard Barbecues, and more - Made with Peanuts and Spices
제조연월일, 소비기한 또는 품질유지기한 주문일로부터 최소 50일 이상 남은 제품으로 배송됩니다.
생산자 및 소재지 (수입품의 경우 생산자, 수입자 및 제조국) Cackalacky