["? 코코넛 오일을 함유한 페칸: 소량으로 갓 로스팅.","? 코넛 오일 - 힐티 오일!","? 히말라얀 솔트로 판매 - 헬티 솔트!","? 에너지 부스터: 에너지, 비타민 및 미네랄의 공급원.","? 이 건강 스낵을 사용해 보세요: OU Kosher 인증."]
["Farm Fresh Nuts Dry Roasted Georgia Pecans with Coconut Oil & Pink Himalayan Salt is abnormally delicious, bursting with flavor and is very tasty. Tastes so good, it"ll make an all-time favorite!!","Roasted to perfection with Healthy Coconut Oil it makes a super crunchy treat.","Contains Pink Himalayan Salt which has more calcium, potassium, magnesium and iron than regular salt.","We Talk Nuts: Farm Fresh Nuts, a small, American family-owned business who"s only goal is to make our customers happy by bringing the best quality, freshest and tastiest nuts out there.","Kosher Certified OU"]
농장 신선한 너트 코코넛 구운 페칸과 히말라얀 소금으로 맛의 높이. 농장 신선한 너트 구운 소금된 피칸은 다른 피건과는 다릅니다. 페칸은 단백질과 불포화 지방의 좋은 공급원입니다. 페칸은 6 지방산이 풍부합니다. 씨앗이 풍부한 식단은 여성의 갤스톤의 위험을 낮출 수 있습니다. 피칸에서 발견되는 항산화 물질 및 식물 스테롤은 "나쁜" LDL 콜레스테롤 수치를 줄여 높은 콜레스테롤을 감소시킵니다. 영양소: 서빙. 사이즈: 약 1/4 컵 (28g). 서빙 당 양: 칼로리 210, 팻 칼. 190, 총 지방 21g (32% DV), 토트. 지방 2g (9% DV), 트랜스 지방 0g, 나트륨 105mg (4% DV), 총 탄수화물. 4g (1% DV), 섬유 3g (11% DV), 설탕 1g, 단백질 3g, 칼슘 (2% DV), 철 (4% DV). 콜레스테, 비타민 A 또는 비타민 C의 중요한 공급원이 아닙니다. 퍼센트 일일 가치 (DV)은 2,000칼로리 다이어트를 기반으로 합니다.
Farm Fresh Nuts Dry Roasted Georgia Pecans with Coconut Oil & Pink Himalayan Salt is abnormally delicious, bursting with flavor and is very tasty. Roasted to perfection with Coconut Oil it makes a super crunchy treat.
You may grind and sprinkle them over other foods, or delightfully enjoy them just as they are. Either way, you"re in for a rewarding and unarguably delicious ride.
Great Health Benefits: It’s no wonder pecan nuts are so widely celebrated and thoroughly enjoyed, they provide a great energy source. Furthermore, they offer healthy fats for your heart, making them one of the healthiest snacks you can enjoy on a daily basis as they come replete with Antioxidants, Vitamin E, Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Zinc and Fiber.
For the first time, Farm Fresh Nuts has partnered the roasted goodness of Georgia Pecans with pure Himalayan salt & Coconut Oil. Himalayan salt has over 13 health benefits over regular table salt or even the vaunted sea salt. Packed with over 80 vitamins and minerals, it can help create an electrolyte balance, increase hydration, regulate water content both inside and outside of cells, balance pH (alkaline/acidity) and help to reduce acid reflux. The incredible salt prevents muscle cramping, aids in proper metabolism functioning, strengthening bones, lowering blood pressure, helps the intestines absorb nutrients, even prevents goiters and improves circulation.
Coconut Oil is unarguably one of the healthiest oils out there, complete with so many health benefits and nutrients.
Super healthy, nutritious and abnormally delicious, it can"t get any better!
We Talk Nuts: Farm Fresh Nuts is a small, American family-owned business with one goal in mind: To provide our customers with the best tasting nuts and dried fruits on the plant. We scour the earth to find the best product, and stand firmly behind our merchandise.
Taste the Farm Fresh Nuts advantage today!
All Our Products Are Proudly OU Kosher Certified.